
Aspire to DO, than to receive

When many people think about their goals, they tend to think about what they want. A nice car, a big home, lots of money. And all that is great, but for me that is not the goal. The goal is to work hard. The goal is make a difference and outdo everyone else. The goal is to be the best I can be and make sure that is good to beat everyone else. And everything that comes as a result of that is to be enjoyed and is the fruit. But that is not the goal. The goal is to do, to grind and to hustle harder than anyone else.

Hustle Like The Champ

Many people have the mentality that they will hustle hard only when they make it big. They are waiting for the odds to be in their favor and then they will work hard. But the truth is that they are looking at it in reverse. It is not their situation that will make them work hard. It is their mentality. What is the similarity between Mark Cuban 30 years ago and Mark Cuban today? Not the number of employees he had. Not his fame. Not his billions of dollars. It is the mindset. He had the same mindset then that he does now. You need to hustle like you are on top today. Because that is the only way you will get there. Operating like a champion, a boss, a kingpin, will allow you to get there. Nothing else will. Even if you somehow win the lottery (and the chances are low), unless you work like shit, you will eventually lose it all. No one has to work harder than the champion, because everyone is gunning to take it away from him and he wants to keep his throne. ...


1. I am the best salesman in my industry. 2. I write 800 words everyday. 3. I am below 15% body fat with a highly athletic body

$8000 Worth of Savings in 6 Months

The key to achieving anything in life is having a vision and making that vision so clear in your mind that you can taste it, feel it and breathe it. The greatest athletes, celebrities and entrepreneurs all a strong ability to visualize everything that wanted and that belief that they were already there drew them to get what they wanted. Which is why it's extremely important to have goals in your life. I usually have two sets of goals, those that are long-term goals, these are usually outrageous goals that most people will not dare dream. This is because we have handicapped ourselves by the standards of society to continually measure ourselves as average or lower. In order to do ourselves justice we need to recognize that we already possess incredible gifts that allow us to do great things. The second set of goals are short-term goals. These are usually not as outrageous as the long-term goals, but they are usually in co-relation to them. These are goals that will allow me ...

Finding Greatness, All Over Again

It was not an extremely long holiday, this one, but it seems like it. Coming back from the holidays there is always a little bit of fear as a hunter of sales. But the only way to overcome that is to throw yourself out there again. Among the wild, crazy and hungry and then try to thrive. You are fighting for what is yours. The money you earn as a winner of business, is your right. You deserve it, which is why you can accept nothing, but the best for yourself. You are selling yourself, more than the product, service or business. You are THE business. Go out there with belief in yourself. Because if you don't buy you, no one else will either. Today I aim to reach 100 prospects at any cost. This is my aim for the next 30 days, to reach 100 people everyday. This is Day 1. Let's see what results it reaps. Greatness is reserved for those who constantly put themselves out there. Especially when no one is watching. “Today I will do what others won't, so...

Life of a Hustler

People are constantly looking for the easy way out. The 4 work hour week. The vacation millionaire lifestyle. The lottery mindset. These are ideas that stem from mediocrity. But if you wanna win in life forever, if you wanna be a king, you need to work. Work hard and work constantly. Otherwise you will lose. The above ideologies are nothing myths. The only people who get what they want, are the people who deserve it. Deserve to be a king, by being a warrior or you will have no throne. Aneel out.

The Home of The Great

Some of the most influential people in the world were once considered ordinary. But the truth is that there is something in all of us that is more than ordinary. That makes us great. We all have a spark within us, that often become dim because of the constant chaos that the world creates. Oftentimes this chaos comes in the form is depression, hopelessness and mediocrity putting us out. There is so much crap the that media is constantly spewing on us that makes us believe that we are ordinary and even beneath ordinary, that we have to conform. But the truth is that we are more free than we believe. The universe is ours to discover, conquer and enjoy. There is no lack of hope. No matter how bad your situation is there is hope. Things can get better, or they can get worse. But in every case you have you. And you have the ability to create. That is the most incredible thing in the world. I hope that this blog is a beacon of light for you. I hope that it can lift you from w...