
Showing posts from July, 2017

$8000 Worth of Savings in 6 Months

The key to achieving anything in life is having a vision and making that vision so clear in your mind that you can taste it, feel it and breathe it. The greatest athletes, celebrities and entrepreneurs all a strong ability to visualize everything that wanted and that belief that they were already there drew them to get what they wanted. Which is why it's extremely important to have goals in your life. I usually have two sets of goals, those that are long-term goals, these are usually outrageous goals that most people will not dare dream. This is because we have handicapped ourselves by the standards of society to continually measure ourselves as average or lower. In order to do ourselves justice we need to recognize that we already possess incredible gifts that allow us to do great things. The second set of goals are short-term goals. These are usually not as outrageous as the long-term goals, but they are usually in co-relation to them. These are goals that will allow me